Aims and Values

At Priory Junior School, we believe everyone should strive to be the best they can be. We recently reviewed our vision, values and aims for the school after consultation with children, parents, staff and governors. The following values have been chosen to be our core values - in helping our children to develop and preparing them for their next educational steps and for future lives as members of a community.
We aim to:
      ·        To stimulate curiosity, passion and enjoyment for learning
·        To provide an inspiring, creative and exciting curriculum, developing skills for learning and life
·        To strive to reach our full potential, achieve and celebrate success
·        To have high expectations of all, whilst recognising individual need
·        To nurture self-esteem and develop a positive and confident attitude
·        To provide a secure, stimulating, welcoming, and green environment
·        To ensure positive attitudes and understanding, embracing equality and diversity
·        To build effective partnerships with staff, parents, governors and the wider community
·        For everyone to contribute actively as part of the school community
·        To foster a sense of understanding and responsibility towards others, developing skills for friendship and co-operation