Year 3
Autumn Term:
We begin our learning in Year 3 by looking at the text ‘Where The Forest Meets The Sea’. We will write our own version of this journey based on Priory Park. In Maths we will be looking at number value and ways that we can add and subtract. In History, we are learning more about our local area and we find out about St Neot and the monks of the Priory. We take part in a walking tour of St Neots where we learn about the history of the town. After half term, we learn about the River Great Ouse and how rocks are formed. We complete an author study of Anthony Browne by reading many of his books and writing in his style.
Spring Term:
We start the Spring term with our Stone Age topic. In English, pupils will study the Stone Age Boy text and write their own adventure texts where they transport back to the Stone Age. In Maths we look at ways to multiply and divide using a written method and complete a unit on fractions. After half term, pupils will study fables and create their own fable called The Town and Fens Mouse. They will write poetry based on journeys. In Geography lessons, pupils will move from St Neots to complete a study on the Fens. They will explore where the Fens are, what it is like and why people settled there.
Summer Term:
Our Summer term starts with a focus on water. We study a text called ‘How The Whale Became’, exploring and writing creation stories. In Geography, we learn about water. This includes the water cycle and the different seas surrounding the UK. Throughout the Summer term, in Maths we learn about shapes, time and how to applying all of our skills to solve problems. After half term, we become Polar Explorers! We learn about Antarctica, thinking how animals survive and what it is like there. We study the journey that Shackleton took and write newspaper articles about his expedition. We finish by thinking about what you would need to survive in Antarctica by writing explanation texts.