Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 page. Here you can enjoy looking at photos of our learning and access important information related to Year 4 life.  
Class Teachers
EL4 - Miss Lygo
MD4 - Mr Denton
TS4 - Mrs Tack and Mrs Sahin


Autumn Term 

The Autumn term kicks off with a bang, looking at the Ancient Egyptians. We investigate what life was like over 5,000 years ago by discovering the secrets hidden in the pyramids. We will be creating our own Egyptian masks and pyramids to really bring the topic to life. We read ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ in English which is a twist on the traditional tale Cinderella. Children will be able to write their own traditional tale following from this where they get to apply all they have learned about the Egyptians during the term. In the 2nd half of the term we look at Arid Africa and Deserts. We explore what deserts are and where they can be located on the map. We then compare Arid Africa to St Neots, drawing on the knowledge about this from Year 3.  

Spring Term 

During the Spring term we use our learning to understand the reasons and consequences of the Roman invasion of Britain. We will learn why did the Romans leave Italy? Who is Julius Caesar and why did he invade Britain? What was Roman life like and how did the Romans change Britain? In Science we will explore what happens to your food as soon as it is in your mouth. We shall explore teeth, the different types and functions of them before looking to see what happens to your food as it travels through your body (some of this gets a little bit smelly and disgusting!). Alongside this, we will be reading ‘The Incredible Book-Eating Boy’ and the children will then write an explanation text of how paper would travel through the digestive system. 

Summer Term 

In the Summer term we will study mountains and natural disasters. We will learn about mountain ranges across the world. In addition, we will discover how mountains and volcanoes are created and how earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. We will also study the effect these have on people’s lives. We will also be reading the book 'Fox' and debating if the characters made the right choices in the book. In the second half of the summer term, we will be learning all about Italy. We will be focusing on where Italy is in the world with a focus on Naples. We will be finding the human and physical features of this area and looking into trade and tourism. Alongside this, we will be studying Roald Dahl’s classic book 'James and the Giant Peach'. We will be creating diaries, a biography or Roald Dahl’s life and works and a narrative to give an alternative ending to the story. 


Parents Evenings
Parents Evenings will be taking place over the coming weeks. These will be video appointments this year. Please watch the video which shows you how to book, and how the appointment will work.
Learning activities can now be found on our Remote Learning Platform - See-Saw. All children should have a code to access See-Saw, which they will be able to use to complete and upload activities to. 
There are a set of four really helpful videos to watch - they will show you how to access learning activities, how to save them and send them to your teacher, and how your teacher will respond to you. Thank-you to Mr Folly for putting these together.
Charanga / Yumu
We will be using a resource called Yumu for Music (it's also called Charanga). There is a helpful video on how to use the site for lessons to watch too.