Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 page. Here you can enjoy looking at photos of our learning and access important information related to Year 6 life.  
Class Teachers
AI6 - Miss Ingle
HT6 - Mrs Harper and Miss Turner
RD6 - Mrs Robertson and Mrs Day's morning group

Autumn Term:

We begin our learning journey by getting aboard ship for a Viking invasion. In this historical unit of learning, the pupils will find out where the Vikings came from, how they lived and what it would have been like to have been a Viking child. The children will be given opportunities to investigate Light in a range of experiments.  After half term, we will be exploring Crime Over 1000 Years and finding out about how justice systems have changed. Also, we will study Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Alongside this, children will be continuing to build on their knowledge of Animals including humans – focussing on the Circulatory System.


Spring Term:

In the first half of the spring term, we will be stepping back in time and discovering the Mayans, thinking about their achievements and survival approaches. During in this time, we will also explore fossils and Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, tackling the question: ‘Where did humans come from?’ Going into the second half term, we will head into the Rainforest. Children will develop an understanding of the importance of our Rainforest and how they way we live can contribute to saving our Rainforests. They will link their Geography learning to Science and find out about Living things and their Habitats.


Summer Term:

Finally, we will study Shaun Tan’s The Lost Thing and Armin Greder's The Island to create a range of writing including discussion text, recounts and narrative. As well as this, we will develop our knowledge of Electricity – thinking about how electricity is used in different ways. In the second half term, we will focus on transition in the last half term preparing the children for secondary school. Across this term, children will expand their familiarity of the world learning about North and South America and comparing these areas to other parts of the world.

Parents Evenings
Parents Evenings will be taking place over the coming weeks. These will be video appointments this year. Please watch the video which shows you how to book, and how the appointment will work.
Learning activities can now be found on our Remote Learning Platform - See-Saw. All children should have a code to access See-Saw, which they will be able to use to complete and upload activities to. 
There are a set of four really helpful videos to watch - they will show you how to access learning activities, how to save them and send them to your teacher, and how your teacher will respond to you. Thank-you to Mr Folly for putting these together.
Charanga / Yumu
We will be using a resource called Yumu for Music (it's also called Charanga). There is a helpful video on how to use the site for lessons to watch too.